Action plan
Technical Means of Transport Section
Committee on Transport
Polish Academy of Sciences


  • Promotion of young researchers - cooperation and patronage of the conference: national higher education requires the support of young scientists by various organizations, including Committee on Transport. The intention of the Technical Means of Transport Section is to promote young scientists. Having some experience in organizing such conferences, the section plans to promote them in the scope of for e.g. co-organization of the Young Scientific Academy (the next edition).

  • Promotion of technical scientific environments: wider engagement of technical departments of Polish universities is planned. Such activities will be carried out at various universities, calling section members from various technical universities to action.

  • Conducting a series of "Open lectures", such as Transport: internal combustion, hybrid or electric?; Ecological energy; Hydrogen - fuel for engines or fuel cells? Such lectures in the online or in person formula will enable a wider popularization of technical sciences in national academic environments.

  • Attempting to increase the significance of transport journals: an important element of the activity is the intensification of activities aimed at increasing the quality of Polish journals in the field of transport. Actions are proposed to increase the quality and scores of these journals. The Section, with the participation of the Committee's management, intends to be an opinion-forming body for the ranking of Polish transport magazines.

  • Improving the media visibility of "Transport": all of the above activities are ultimately aimed at increasing the recognition of the scientific field of Transport (currently grouped with Civil Engineering).

  • Section Meetings: Section Meetings is one of the primary activities planned. Substantive discussions on the above-mentioned issues are planned to be raised at these meetings. Section Meetings will be used by Section members to present scientific papers.